etika islam bahasa Inggris
- etika: ethics; etiquette; etika (penyiar video); value
- islam: islam; mohammedanism; islamism; muslimism;
- etika: ethics; etiquette; etika (penyiar video); value orientation; value-system; ethic; ethical; moral philosophy; moral principle; morality; honourable; ethical code; zoning; honorable
- buku etika: ethics books
- etika agama: religious ethics
- etika bisnis: business ethics
- etika buddhis: buddhist ethics
- etika deontologi: deontological ethics
- etika deontologis: deontological ethics
- etika hewan: animal ethics
- etika internasional: international ethics
- etika kant: kantian ethics
- etika kedokteran: medical ethics
- etika kepedulian: ethics of care
- etika komputer: computer ethics
- He is the director of the Research Centre of Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE), based in Doha.
Dia adalah direktur Pusat Penelitian Legislasi dan Etika Islam (CILE) yang bermarkas di Doha. - The duties of the Presidency of Religious Affairs are "to execute the works concerning the beliefs, worship, and ethics of Islam, enlighten the public about their religion, and administer the sacred worshipping places".
Tugas-tugas Kepresidenan Urusan Agama adalah "untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan yang menyangkut keyakinan, ibadah, dan etika Islam, mencerahkan masyarakat tentang agama mereka, dan mengelola tempat ibadah suci".